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Seeking Organizational Partner

Dear HM'ers,

"You can’t change the world alone – you will need some help – and to truly get from your starting point to your destination takes friends, colleagues, the good will of strangers and a strong coxswain to guide them."

– William H. McRaven


It has been a long time since an HM update has been distributed. As the saying above notes, world change does not happen by one person alone, and while HM has wonderful members, I was not able to recruit a highly committed volunteer group to drive it. In 2018, I moved to Wisconsin from California for family business matters - and to start my own family. The business matters (and my son, now a toddler!) unfortunately soon took all my time and energy. My hope was to find strong partners here to start actualizing HM locally from the manufacturing hub of the USA. This hope remains yet I am extending the geographical zone to the world. With the pandemic showing the world how necessary local humanitarian production is...the time was and remains ripe for taking HM to the next stage. New leadership is needed to do this.

Where HM stands:

  • Validated proof-of-concept

  • Brand awareness locally and internationally

  • Modern SEO performing website

  • Product design platform presence

  • Highly targeted audience (3k+)

  • Community engagement tools and media

  • High-interest email list (300+)

  • Partner implementation plan

  • White papers

What HM needs:

Organizational leader aligned with HM's mission and approach. This will provide the depth and resource for sustainability over the long term, as well as ideally accountability to its mission.

What you can do:

Share this announcement with your network and/or friends and organizations that may have an interest. Share your story of humanitarian making to inspire others. See the organizational requirements below.

To engage with HM:

To review different ways to engage, indicate the support you need, and connect with others, click the "Read More" button below. Always welcome to share and communicate with other HM'ers on social media channels.

Downloadable Media:

Organizational Requirements:

- Keenness in the engineering and design space

- Internal bandwidth and leadership buy-in to deliver on HM's mission

- Track record of humbly walking alongside individuals and organizations in unfortunate circumstances

- Experience, or ability to recruit experienced team, in community management, design & manufacture in humanitarian contexts

- Excels at listening and collaborative action

- Organizational structure and systems to support excellence

- Does what it says it does

Referrals and inquiries send to

HM Principles

These guide our member efforts so that we "Act Responsibly, Do No Harm" which is the central principle of the UN Global Compact.



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