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HM Principles, Action Requested!

Calling all Humanitarian Makers! We need your feedback on the new set of HM Principles! Over the past two months, Alex, Saad, Naiomi and I have taken the original set of principles from Fab 12 conference, analysed other humanitarian and industry resources, and consolidated it all into a draft set of guidelines we believe to be appropriate for HM.

Your thoughts and feedback are crucial in making these principles truly yours. Please follow the links and provide feedback on the new set of principles by 10th of September.

Be honest and direct and we'll shape these principles together! Feedback Form (fill out this one): HM Principles Development Document (See Rev. 1 tab): Your feedback matters! Many thanks from the HM Principles Dev team. :)

(Alex Molloy, Saad Zabari, Naiomi Lundman & +Kin Ly)

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